24.5 C
Monday, June 24, 2024

Letter From The Editor

The Migration from Power Suits to Business Casual to Smart Casual to Office Siren

The recent Tiktok trend of Genzenners trying to reclaim ‘personal power against misogyny’ by dressing as a hooker pretending to be an office worker has left some us scratching our heads.

The Muslim Vote Matters in the 2024 UK Election

Grassroots organisation The Muslim Vote aims to mobilise our brothers and sisters to vote in targeted constituencies where Muslims make up over ten percent of the electorate. Check out the list of independent MPs if you, like many of us, desire a sweeping change from the current state of affairs.

Hey Habibi, We Need to Talk About Geert

With the European Parliament Elections to take place on 6 June, perhaps it’s time to have a frank heart to heart on just how successful our bottle blonde half-brother from Indonesia, the Leader of the PVV Geert Wilders’ party policies will actually deliver on his election promise, “where the people of the Netherlands can make ends meet again and have money left in their wallets”.

Weaponising Content Marketing: A ‘Free Press’ Never Existed and Everybody Knows It

Before the printing press, the minstrels of the ruling classes would sing and amuse villagers with palace propaganda from town to town.  In modern journalism aka content marketing, the concept and demand remains, except that the real-world impact of weaponising content marketing can have devastating, and far-reaching consequences. It’s time for Muslims to flip the script.

Latest news

The Migration from Power Suits to Business Casual to Smart Casual to Office Siren

The recent Tiktok trend of Genzenners trying to reclaim ‘personal power against misogyny’ by dressing as a hooker pretending to be an office worker has left some us scratching our heads.
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The Strategic Alliance Agreement and its Ambitions for a Greater Israel

Balochistan Think Tank Network Research Officer Ali Abbas discusses the proposed US-Saudi Strategic Alliance Agreement in light of the ongoing slaughter of Palestinian civilians in Gaza.

Dubai Pledges to Train One Million People in AI

The first of its kind, the Dubai Future Foundation pledges to train one million people in artificial intelligence within the next three years.

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Tehran Targeting USD 20 Billion in Trade with Baghdad by 2027

Iran’s Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Diplomacy Affairs Mehdi Safari says that the country is targeting an annual USD 20 billion trade with neighboring Iraq by 2027.

Luxury Penthouse Sets New Record as Real Estate Transactions Boom

The Abu Dhabi Real Estate Centre (ADREC) reveals a record-breaking total of around AED 87.1 billion in real estate transactions for 2023.
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