Renowned Israeli historian Ilan Pappé, Human Rights Lawyer Lamis Deek, and Declassified UK Founder and Investigative Journalist Matt Kennard deep dive into the inevitable decline of Zionism, the historical influence of Hasbara and call for a strategic dismantling of corruption for the sake of humanity at the recent Islam Channel’s Global Peace and Unity Festival held at Excel London, UK this month.
At a recent panel discussion titled Discursive Wars at the GPU Festival in London, Activist and Investigative Journalist Matt Kennard argues that the Israel lobby, once powerful in silencing critics, is now seen as weak and indefensible. The past year’s exposure of the Israeli Government’s atrocities committed in Palestine and Lebanon is leading to a terminal phase for Zionism, especially as newer generations become more aware of its grim realities.
This shift in public perception, with more people realizing AIPAC’s influence on politics and the outrage this provokes, suggests that there is hope for change.
“The PR industry around Zionism, which has had billions of pounds poured into it for many, many decades, has all been about obscuring the truth about what Zionism is, settler colonial ideology. This is based on supremacism of one race over another to the expulsion and subjugation of the indigenous people. Zionist lobbies have tried to present Israel as a progressive force, as a place of safety for Jewish people who have been historically persecuted. Hasbara has been quite successful in pushing this narrative, however, the past year has completely destroyed its propaganda machine. There is a realization, particularly among young people, when they get older and they come into government positions, and fill up civil society, Zionist ideology will have no place in the halls of power. Zionism is in its terminal phase and we should all be very thankful for that, because it is a monstrosity,” says Kennard.
Kennard recounts his own experiences as a journalist, noting that the pushback he once faced has significantly diminished. He explains that the Israel lobby traditionally operated through three main tactics: secrecy, smear campaigns, and projecting an image of omnipotence. By keeping their funding sources hidden, launching smear campaigns against critics, and projecting an image of invincibility, the lobby had managed to maintain its influence. However, as these tactics are exposed and challenged, the lobby’s power is waning.
“Before October 7, Journalists who tried to shed light on the apartheid were massively marginalized and called pranks. But I have to say, in the past year, I hardly get any pushback on Israel. In fact, we realize that the Israeli lobby is a paper tiger that shrivels under sunlight. They operate through secrecy. They don’t disclose who funds them. If you start exposing them, they struggle, because they know what they’re doing is indefensible. They are hijacking a political system to make it support genocide and apartheid and everyone can see that now. This awakening has practical consequences. Citizens understand that this is a massive attack on our democracy in the UK and the USA too. Most people believed that we have a sovereign country where we have a government that acts in our interests. When they start realizing actually, no, they’re making decisions based on the preferences of a foreign apartheid state, they are outraged. But, we are hopeful in these horrendous times. There is hope among all the horror,” says Kennard.
US Based Human Rights Lawyer Lamis Deek agrees that change is coming. She emphasizes the urgent need to transition from ideological and discursive battles to concrete action.
Deek calls for a comprehensive strategy that includes dismantling and developing new structures, de-radicalizing Zionist mythology, and the prosecution of all accountable parties.
“We cannot be passive. We must de-radicalize and disincentivize Zionist mythology and hold everybody accountable. Never again is not a feeling. Sorry. Never again is the program. We want to build a global army of people who are dedicated to turning never again into an institution, into legal and media campaigns, research and investigation of war criminals. This is needed. I’m not speaking in abstractions. We must dismantle institutions of fascism that threatens our collective humanity,” says Deek.
Deek acknowledges the immense fatigue felt by Palestinians and their allies, who often face significant challenges and opposition. She emphasizes the need for solidarity and support, urging more people to join the cause and contribute to the collective effort. This, she believes, is essential for sustaining the momentum and achieving lasting change.
“Even if the ICJ and the ICC and the UN and the international system completely falls apart, guess what? International law was founded on Islamic principles which was further developed in Europe. Even if institutions may fall, the want for justice will prevail. Accountability will happen. Not just for the sake of Palestinians, but for the sake of all. I will say here today, to the media outlets in the US and in the UK, you are on notice. We will bring culpable individuals to the ICC. You’re prosecutable, and we will come for you. So we need resources. We need researchers. We will fortify each other psychologically and spiritually, such that no matter what happens on the ground in Palestine, inshallah, we will ensure that never again is a program that is eternal,” says Deek.
In addition to long-term strategic goals, Deek stresses the importance of addressing immediate humanitarian needs. She highlights the plight of 150,000 Palestinian evacuees in Egypt, who are politically, financially, socially, and culturally abandoned. Deek calls for urgent support and intervention to improve their living conditions and ensure their survival.
As for broader geopolitical contexts, respected historian Ilan Pappé discussed the potential impact of the upcoming US election in November 2024, and the Israeli-Iran conflict. Pappé says that that the Israeli government, driven by neo-messianic Zionists, is likely to escalate regional tensions, which could lead to a broader war.
He also suggests that the Arab world’s division into pro- and anti-American factions complicates the situation, as the elimination of Palestine remains unacknowledged.

“The most important thing that is going to happen in the next few weeks is the American election. There is fear in Kamala Harris’s camp of losing a swinging state because of their position on Palestine. This for me, is much more important than the Israeli attack on Iran. We must think out of the box. Israel has made itself a pariah state. An attack on Iran, in Israeli eyes, is not a very high price, because the Neo messianic Zionists who rule Israel today are dying for a regional war. They believe, like Christian Zionists, that they are waging Armageddon, which ends with a new Jewish biblical kingdom that would renew the nature of the Old Testament. They genuinely believe it. Unfortunately, it is easier for people to understand Iran against Israel, the Arab world divided into pro American and anti American, yet the actual project of extermination of Palestinians, is not reported, is not admitted, is not acknowledged, doesn’t move the hearts and minds of those who have the power to do something,” says Pappé.
According to Kennard, the kind of discursive change that Pappé is calling for is not just about Gaza. It’s a call to decisive action.
“I am asked all the time, what can we do? I say, do everything you can in your field of expertise. You’ve got to get out on the streets. If you’re a journalist, write. If you’re a lawyer, prosecute. If you’re a legislator, legislate for change. Everyone has a place. Every time we go out and do a small action, it has a big impact. Everyone has one vote. There is a candidate in the United States who is anti-genocide, who is anti-corporate power – Jill Stein. She said as the President, the United States could stop the genocide with one phone call, which is true. She said on her first day in the White House, she would make that call. So everyone who can, needs to vote for Jill Stein because funding and arming genocide has to be a red line that must be reinforced by all,” says Kennard.